Thursday, July 21, 2016

I WAS a Cruz supporter

Where are the men of honor from the field of candidates? Where are those whose ‘word is their bond’? I was disappointed when Jeb Bush announced he would not support Trump. I found it very revealing. I was a bit more disappointed when I learned that John Kasich didn’t even show up for the convention in his own state. Again, very revealing. My biggest disappointment came when Rubio and Cruz refused to endorse their party’s candidate. Why? Don’t they get to carry their opinion? Don’t they get to stand their ground on their principles? Of course they do! I would never suggest otherwise. But what are those principles; honor, integrity, trustworthiness, etc.? That was why I liked Cruz. Maybe I was tricked. Maybe I just didn’t look close enough. Why am I saying this?

I confess, I was a Cruz supporter. I voted for him in the Georgia primary. I was disappointed when he lost. But maybe, just maybe he was more like the rest than I had realized.

This morning I found the pledge that every candidate signed. The article which included the pledge expressed the view that the pledge was written and presented to all of the candidates by the RNC to “force Trump’s hand…”. The candidates signed it. ALL 17 OF THEM!

“I [name] affirm that if I do not win the 2016 Republican nomination for president of the United States I will endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee regardless of who it is,” the pledge reads. “I further pledge that I will not seek to run as an independent or write-in candidate nor will I seek or accept the nomination for president of any other party.”

 Is it no wonder that the American public is cynical when it comes to politics? They want us to trust them. They want us to believe them. One of the statements that has been repeated time after time at the Republican Convention about Donald Trump is, “He is a man of his word.” or “His word is his bond.” These words have been coming from those who have known him and done business with him. Maybe this is one of the big reasons he is where he is today as the Republican Party’s nominee. Could it be that America is willing to go with a man who tells the truth, even if he is rough around the edges? He is far from perfect, as we all are. He is not a polished politician with slick slogans and words. But if those who have done business with him and worked for him over the years say “his word is his bond”, maybe that’s what America really needs, someone we can believe.

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