Headline: "Scientists witness 'flash of light' during conception..." Scientists were "wowed" and fascinated, as was I when I read about it.
Now there are some things that immediately come into my little brain when I think of this. The first thing I thought of when I heard it and what I continue to think about is GOD! Creator! Giver of life! Just think about it for a minute...you've got these cells just cruising around out there, an egg minding its own business and a sperm 'on the hunt', so to speak...just a couple of cells doing what they were designed to do. But then, all of a sudden, they link up and Shazam! A union! A flash of light! A new life! A unique creation! We now no longer have two cells just cruising around. We have a whole new being and the Creator signals this beginning with a light show. Can we all just take a minute and take a step back to sit in wonder and awe?
Ok, got that done? Now, do me a favor. Hold up one of your hands. Look at your fingers. Now...wiggle your fingers. Is that amazing, or what? And all that started for you with a flash of light in your mothers womb. It's been there all along. God created it that way. We have just discovered it. It took us all the way to the 21st century to figure that one out. What else have we missed? I will never again take for granted the act of wiggling my fingers. I hope you won't either.
Life is good. God is better. See ya later.
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