What's it like to be an author. Nice subject, don't you think? Maybe I should rephrase it...What's it like to an author? See the difference? Do you know any authors? Maybe you should ask them. Maybe I should ask them.
Is this normal? How should I know? I've only been an author for 10 days! I had no expectations, so I'm doing great! Or am I? Well, I can't worry about that stuff.
Let me tell you what I know. I've been really busy for the past few days signing books, answering questions about my book with folks I have met at church or in the neighborhood, and running back and forth to the post office mailing books. And I've already gotten some comments from a few folks who have read the book and liked it. So far nobody has told me they didn't like it. That's nice.
Can you believe it!!! I have a best seller!! Well...that needs to be expanded on just a bit. But, just for a minute my book, 349 DAYS was sort of a best seller on Amazon in the Kindle Store. Let me explain. If you go to Amazon and look for a book, on the book page, at the bottom you will see the "browse categories" the book belongs to. The Kindle version of my book is in 3 different browse categories. The paperback is in only one, but we are working to change that. Anyway, with each browse category there is a number that indicates current sales position and if the number is below 100, the book is in the top one hundred in sales 'at that moment' of that particular category. That qualifies the book as a Best Seller. Yesterday afternoon I bounced over to Amazon to check on something and while I was there I noticed that the the Kindle Version in the "Vietnam" browse category was listed at 59. Wow! I wasn't sure I knew what that meant so I sent Amazon support a note just to be sure. Yep! They confirmed it. But, by the time I got back and looked again the number had jumped to 110. The stats are updated hourly, so for just a few minutes over this past weekend my book, 349 DAYS was a "Best Seller", sort of.
I'm in the planning stages for a couple of events with details to be announced soon. So, stay in touch. Leave me a comment, especially if you can answer the question in the first paragraph. Until next time...
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